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Some were not suitable for higher education but could do with much more than they presently had. To Benyam I said, "I would like you to follow me as a physician and keep the line going in our family. Your sister Meseret has a crafty mind and would make a good solicitor or a fine accountant."The rest became the centre of attraction for a while as I picked out what I thought they would each be best at. The three babies got the same treatment. Most of my choices were wishful thinking, for a young child's mind was far too mercurial to put a label on.When I was finished I went to the kitchen and make some warm drink for the children before sending them off to bed. I wanted to make love to their mothers.The children snickered a little but drank the sweet drink I prepared for them. When they were done I personally put each to bed and tucked them in with a kiss. Benyam at the last enjoyed the attention and the kiss. He liked it even better when I said, "Goodnight son."I washed and found the. ....Ah well we were the Fab Four Yesterday ! I mused. We had finished three bottles when again Christine took control. “Back to yours now Sparks."I ordered a taxi. I lived about 2 miles away on the other side of town. It arrived with a lovely girl at the wheel. "Baby you can drive my car" I said to her tipsily. Chris and the girls laughed. Beatles again ! The driver annoyingly called Ann(wish she had been called Michelle) just shook her head. Not laughing it off. We got in and set off to mine. She got a good tip for putting up with us. We were rather raucous !We entered my house and went into the living room. " Put some music on Sparks. Lets have a good time eh ?". Yip it was Christine speaking. It was only half 2! "Open the bottle Sparky". I poured the drinks but nobody seemed that interested to drink for some reason.I put on some music and it was Christine who again spoke “Lets play cards”. “Snap” I replied laughing "No Taboo ! Yes girls it'll be fun and erm... good fucking fun !.
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